The next image is for a little boy. It has glow-in-the-dark spider stickers and a pair of neon green spider socks in it. I've, also, put a package of Spiderman window decals in the bag with the bucket. The spiders were made using Rolos since they were a little smaller and worked better.
The last image is for his mom. These spiders were made using the typical York Mints. This little bucket has Fall/Halloween stickers in it that she can use for different things. She can use these on pictures she takes of him if she wants to.
These little buckets will be placed inside a yellow bag (not shown) with Halloween and Spiderman stickers on them. Hope they like it; just a "little something" I've made. What do you think??
I love your little treat buckets. Those spiders are adorable.
The Tic Tac Toe board is by "A Stamp in the Hand Co.". I'm sure any stamp store in your area could order them...that's where I picked mine up for three dollars.
ohhh I just love these little treat buckets! A whole lot of work went into them...I'm sure the recipeint(s) will lvoe them!
These are ultra sweet! I adore how you did the hair on the one little guy. SOOOOOOoooh cute! :O)
Well, since I was the recipient, I will just say that the finished project was WONDERFUL!!!! My son and I each received one each of the buckets. It could not have arrived in my posession at a better time. I had just gotten home from having some dental surgery. It truly made my day knowing how much work and effort my precious friend had put into these gifts. I love you and appreciate all you do for my family!!!
Rebecca, I'm so glad that you liked your surprise! And I hope it made you feel better for a little bit of time anyway.
Love ya'll ... Rob
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