My tendancy is to hoard my things; i.e., papers, chipboard, brads, ribbons ... should I go on?? I can't help it. They're my friends, ha! So here it goes ... Let me know what you think. Is it acceptable??
The recipe:
Keywords: WSC63
Stamps: Upsy Daisy, Linen
Paper: Mellow Moss, Chocolate Chip, retired SU Afternoon Tea DSP
Ink: Mellow Moss, Chocolate Chip, Ranger Walnut Stain (for distressing)
Accessories: Dotted Swiss EF, 1/2" circle punch, SAMJ, Chipboard Flower, non-SU copper brads, Taupe Grosgrain Ribbon
Techniques: Distressing
Difficulty (1-Easy 5-Advanced): 2
1 comment:
Beautiful card! I love the rustic, distressed look.
Hugs and smiles
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