As we were resting on our haunches and eating chicken and rice, bananas and oranges, the award ceremony began for the 5k race. There were 165 running in it. I came in 42nd and Kent came in 57th. All of a sudden I heard my name called out, and though I thought I might have placed in my age group my name was called earlier than I had expected. I won the Female Masters Trophy! This was by far better than I could have expected. I looked to see if anyone else my age had been running and there were several. This meant that I ran faster than 40 year olds and older; as a matter of fact, upon looking closer, I had run faster than any 30 year olds!! I couldn't believe it!!! I ran about 42 seconds slower than before; guess the run had not been a loss after all. Here I am (as bad as it is) receiving my wonderful plaque!

Kent won 2nd place in his age group. We were both tuckered out to say the least.

[Don't know why some of these pics are smaller...go figure! I couldn't get them larger.] For a better view, scroll to the bottom to see them in "Runs We've Been In" slide.
Wow!!! What an accomplishment!! Doesn't it feel good to win?? Some say that is feels good just to finish something but I say it is much sweeter to WIN!!!! Congratulations to the both of you. Maybe we can come watch you as you cross the finish line at the Olympics!!!! GO FOR THE GOLD!!!!!!!
I don't believe I would hold my breath on the Olympics!! But thanks for the encouragement anyway. And...it IS good just to finish sometimes - like this race!
Well if it happens and the endorsements start rolling in, remember us "little people". We would really like a new camper remember?? With all of your dough coming in, what's 25k?????
I think I saw where the Griswold's had their's on sale...if we're winners at the O., I'll check on this!
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