John 3:16

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life."

Monday, October 31, 2011

Wonderful Fall

Fall is definitely in the air!! The crispy-ness, softly falling shadows and beautiful flowers and foliage at this time of the year are great. Guess the only thing I'm not too crazy about is the wind. Yep, winds begin to kick up bringing in the temps trying to maintain it until winter arrives.

This weekend was wonderful and busy AND windy...VERY windy! Winds were 25-30 mph with no telling what the gusts were and there WERE gusts!! You could hardly walk without it trying to trip you up.

The music, as usual, is so wonderful. It really prepares your heart to receive the message Bro. Lloyd has prepared for the people. Messages of hope in the middle of despair and love in the middle of an unloving world. Nope, it wasn't about that. But he does direct our minds and hearts toward the One who loves us in the middle of a mixed up world which surrounds us with depressing and hopeless messages. When our world has been turned upside down, whether from outside circumstances or bad choices, Jesus is always there for those who have opened their hearts up to Him. God is awesome and there is none other!!

A Pumpkin Festival was held Sunday afternoon in the church parking lot. There were so many things for the children to do, they surely couldn't get bored. When we first walk into the area, the smell of popcorn filled the air and, of course, off we went into that direction. Here he goes...

So out comes my camera to begin the show. With lemonade in one hand, a bag of popcorn in the other and smiles on our faces, we settle down at one of the lovely decorated tables.

There were so many games for children to participate in including pumpkin decorating, face painting, pony riding, petting zoo, pennies at the end of the rainbow, and many, many others.

There was also an excellent band entertaining us while we ate frito pies and slices of pumpkin pie. A cake contest was held representing anything "pumpkin" as well as a couple of old cars and several cool looking motorcycles. Lots and lots of blow-up jumps. There were some of the cutest children I've seen and the cool air just made everyone happy!

Oh, yeah, there was the cutest child riding one of the ponies: blonde naturally, curly hair and the sweetest little face. Actually, I didn't know if it was a girl or boy...just happy! Then there was another cute little boy trying his hardest to decide on which pumpkin he wanted to decorate. It was such a relaxing and perfect Lord's Day.

Have a Happy Fall and blessed harvest season!

Until later...Kent & Robbie

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Blogging Without Obligation

After coming across what seemed to be the 4000th or so post on someone’s blog starting with “I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile.” I decided it is time to rethink what makes a good blog and the expectations that have come to be part of it. I am thinking that no one should utter those words again . . .and with that thought I give you Blogging Without Obligation. •Because you shouldn’t have to look at your blog like it is a treadmill. •Because its okay to just say what you have to say. If that makes for a long post, fine. Short post, fine. Frequent post, fine. Infrequent post, fine. •Because its okay to not always be enthralled with the sound of your own typing. •Because sometimes less is more. •Because only blogging when you feel truly inspired keeps up the integrity of your blog. •Because they are probably not going to inscribe your stat, link and comment numbers on your tombstone. •Because for most of us blogging is just a hobby. A way to express yourself and connect with others. You should not have to apologize for lapses in posts. Just take a step back and enjoy life, not everything you do has to be “bloggable”. •Because if you blog without obligation you will naturally keep your blog around longer, because it won’t be a chore. Plus, just think you will be doing your part to eradicate post pollution. One post at a time. . .

Easy Snacks

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Click HERE to get some great meals for pre race day and post race.

Our Races Through 6-01-09

Go to our running blog for newer updates.